The cave is not actually a cave. It is a rock formation that sort of forms like a cavern where a kitchen, beds, and bathrooms have all been set up. This is officially called camping but you are not completely roughing it and left to survive in the jungle with your backpack. It all starts with the hike to the cave making your way straight up on a very tough hike that will take you around 1 1/2 hours to 2 1/2 hours depending on your group. Your first stop will be the gardens where you will get a chance to try many different types of tropical fruits and the sugar cane should give you the extra boost you need to make the final leg of the hike. Once you arrive to the cave an amazing lunch is prepared for you in the cavern. The only way into the cavern is to hike on a narrow ledge behind a waterfall which is surrounded by lush rainforest and beautiful rock structures.
During your stay in the cave which we usually do one night you will get the chance to rappel waterfalls, hike to pools, and jump off some rocks which are about 15ft high. You will also get the chance to hike to the top of the Diamante waterfall and visit one of the tallest waterfalls in Costa Rica. This is a spectacular site and a chance to see views of the Pacific coast.
Having the chance to sleep under a waterfall and live in nature for the night is an excellent way to experience one of the so many natural beauties of Costa Rica.
good post..