Image via WikipediaThere is so much information we can find on line. But if your in the jungle and it happens to be in the
rainforest there just might be a good reason to still have your book of
tree species or
bird species handy (until apple comes out with the waterproof touch). But until then there are some great sources to look into. The Institute National of Bio-Diversity where I did some of my studies in
Costa Rica has quite the collection of books that all go to a great cause. If your interested in these books they all come in
English and
Spanish and you can
click here to take a look at the many different books they have.
Again these are amazing books from studies done in the field and proceeds going back into the
field of study. I feel these would be great
class room books and they have different books for all ages. If you are ever visiting Costa Rica
Inbio Park is also a park worth visiting with a class. It is a small park in the town of
Heredia and nothing like getting out into the jungles of Costa Rica but again if you have the time its money going to a good cause.
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